On to my final destination of the week….. IRELAND!
When I planned to study abroad, I knew Ireland was the one
place I really really wanted to travel too. Partly because when I watched P.s.
I love you I absolutely fell in love with the scenery (and Gerard butler of
course) so from then on it was always on my list of MUST see places.
Our flight there wasn’t too enjoyable. Probably the worst
turbulence I’ve ever experienced and my luggage wouldn’t fit in the stupid
compartment so I had to pay a fee. (Learn from my mistake and don’t ever fly
with Ryanair). But as soon as we landed I immediately wiped away my tears and
had a huge smile from ear to ear. (Must’ve been something in the irish air… or
the cute Irish man who greeted us when we arrived he he). We arrived on
Halloween night and I found out that Halloween actually originated in Ireland
since it was a Celtic tradition. Upon hearing that we knew we had to put
together a costume, find a local bar and celebrate Halloween as the Irish do.
We were staying at an older couples cottage for the weekend. Took us quite a
trek to finally get there… was definitely the boonies of Ireland. Had to
pull over a few cars to find where we were going but luckily everyone was so
nice and welcoming. They were by far the nicest people I have ever encountered.
They went above and beyond to help complete strangers… we couldn’t find our
apartment so a lady and her daughter pulled over the car and stood with us for
20 minutes looking it up on their phone, we couldn’t find the bus stop… a
police man walked us to the main road and stopped a bus in the middle of the
road to make sure we got on and we’re going in the right direction. Everyone
was just amazing.
When we arrived at our cottage it immediately felt like
home. The couple welcomed us with tea and biscuits and told us all about where
to visit and how to get around. They were so sweet. Every-time we got home we’d
fill them in on our day and they just loved hearing all about ourselves. Thanks
for hosting us Teresa!
That night we went to Temple bar, a well known Irish bar. We
put our eyeliners to use and dressed up as Cats. Not the most original costume
but it was all we could put together in 20 minutes. The next few days we spent
sightseeing and walking around the city. We visited St. Patricks Cathedral,
Trinity University and also did a tour of a castle. And of course whats Ireland
without visiting the country side, the place where Holly and Gerry fell in
love. So we did a bus tour that took us to Wicklow and Glendalough, up the
mountains and through the country side. The views were breathtaking. The wind wasn’t
so enjoyable but our driver treated us to a shot of whisky before exiting the
bus so it wasn’t so bad.
Our last night we went out with some friends we met on
Halloween. They took us bar hopping and we’re a lot of fun. Our flight the next
morning was at 6am so rather than sleeping and wasting the night away we
partied till 3.. went home to pick up our luggage and headed straight to the
airport. Survived our first “overnight experience“at the airport YAY! It was a long 12 hour day of travelling home-
had to stop in Paris then catch a train etc…. But it was WELL WELL worth it.
I’m so glad I made it to Ireland. Met great people, learned some Irish lingo
and just really enjoyed every minute.
After a week long trip in the UK and hearing English in
every country we were in and just feeling so welcomed and at home it was
definitely hard re-adjusting to life back in Lyon. But with only a few weeks
left I’ll be sure to make the most of it.
Lots of love
Our cottage for the weekend! |
Our lovely hostess |

Halloween at Temple Bar
Grrrrrrrrrrr |


all you ps i love you fans I captured the exact spot where Gerry and Holly met:)


Taking a shot of whisky before struggling through the windstorm once we made it to the top...