Sunday, November 4, 2012

Family time is the best time...

Hi everyone!!! I’m alive and finally back in action. Sorry I’ve kept you all waiting for my next blog.. been a very hectic couple of weeks. Been amazing travelling and always being on the go but I do miss my down time and of course sending words of love to you all. So I finally committed myself to spending my Sunday afternoon sitting in Starbucks, with my 5 euro chai tea latte in hand ( yes starbucks is ridiculously expensive here) so I could blog to you all. A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks so I’ll do my best to catch you up on the latest. As most of you know, my parents finally visited their baby girl a few weeks back. We reunited in Paris for a quick dinner before I hopped on the train back to Lyon and then they came to Lyon and we had a lovely weekend together.  As most of you know, I’m not much of a planner so I didn’t have much planned for them when they arrived. But I did manage to give them a good taste of Lyon in the short weekend they had here.  I showed them Lyon’s most notable sights and streets, showed them the large market Sunday morning which they loved, and introduced them to lyonnaise cuisine which they weren’t such a fan of. They even managed to arrive here on a day where there was a large Beaujolais wine festival taking place right by my apartment. It was 1 euro for a glass and we got to sample different wines all afternoon. They must’ve known my dad was coming… he was in wine heaven! All in all we had a great weekend together. Lots of good quality family time and so much love. It was so nice and refreshing to finally have a piece of home with me here in Lyon. And who better than my parents. Thanks for coming to visit mom and dad! This blog is for you guys xo

Moms first crepe from a stand.

Enjoying our beaujolais wine tasting... sante!!
Family dinner !

1 comment:

  1. SO happy that you've been doing this blog for all your family and friends to enjoy. You have captured many wonderful moments on your many travels and have made me speechless at times. Truly beautiful and memorable. Glad that i was a little bitty part of your adventure. I enjoyed the charming town of Lyon and the tranquil and wholesome town of Campodimele. Keep posting and enjoy your next destination. Love you, Mom xoxo
