Friday, November 9, 2012

A week through the UK....LONDON


Hi everyone!
Hope you enjoyed my recent post. I know my mom and dad did! As some of you know, last week I had a week off school. The university calls it a fall break or reading week but that really means an extra week of travelling and exploring for us international students. So instead of reading books we decided to research all about the UK and spend our week there. We visited London, Edinburg (Scotland) and Dublin all in a week.

Our first stop….LONDON.
From the moment I arrived in London I knew I was going to love the city. I immediately felt at ease when hearing people speak English. It was so nice to finally feel like “one of them” and not have to think about how to conjugate a verb in my head before speaking. We spent 4 days in London—4 long rainy days. But the rain and wind didn’t stop us from exploring this amazing city and seeing everything it had to offer. We did our second hop on hop off bus tour and got to visit the famous Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Piccadily Circus, Big Ben, Westminister Abbey and we even managed to sneak into Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre thanks to al ( he he).  We also visited the “queen street” of London… full of vintage boutiques and independent designers. It was a more urban and edgy area- with tons of cafes and stores. We loved it! We didn’t do much shopping but we did manage to make it to Harrod’s—London’s popular department store. It was fashion heaven for us ladies…. extremely expensive but definitely worth the visit. And of course, what’s a trip to London without eating like a Londoner. We had our first fish & chips and mushy peas meal. It was finger licking good… LITERALLY. We also put aside a few hours one afternoon for tea time . We went to a fancy hotel- beautiful décor and there was even a harp player. It really was our haven from the wind and cold--- and what better way to warm up than with an authentic English breakfast tea and a scone.
Overall my trip to London surpassed all my expectations. It was such a lively and energetic city—you couldn’t help but always feel enthused about everything. Despite the rude British woman who yelled at me for standing on the wrong side of the escalator, I loved it. The people, the culture, the food, the energy. London….. I’ll be seeing you!  
Soo excited for fall... can you tell?
                                                      me + a red phonebooth ( i'm such a tourist)
Buckingham Palace!

The photo speaks for itself.....mmmmmm 

 London Eye! We went for a ride too.... such spectacular views of the city.

We stumbled upon a Pumpkin Patch..

Afternoon tea... you treated us well !

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