Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bonjour Lyon....

Salut mon famille et mes amis !

I've finally put together a blog so you can all share on my journey with me. Sorry it took so long... just been busy getting settled and finding my way through the narrow streets of Lyon without getting lost. But everything is magnifique so far ! France is more beautiful than I imagined. I've already become accustomed to the French lifestyle... croissants or pain ou chocolat every morning for breakfast, baguettes for lunch and a macaroon for dessert ahhh its a food lovers dream. Our apartment is cute and cosy but of course with everything beautiful theres always a catch.... in this case, its no air conditioning which makes for sweaty nights and a 24 hour fan on maximum strength, no dryer for our laundry which means carefully planning how much and what laundry to do for the day in order for it to fit on our drying rack, a teeny fridge which means grocery shopping by the day to squeeze in our produce, and a separate shower and toilette which means peeing in one room and then running across the hall naked to hop in the shower (he he). But despite these "catches" we have managed to make this our "home away from home"!

Bisous bissous

Notre maison!

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