Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Munchen Munckins.. Oktoberfest!!!


This past weekend I was in Munich to celebrate Oktoberfest- one of the world’s largest fairs. Just think the EX on major steroids with over 5 million people. Crazyyyyy I know! It was held in a park filled with huge beer tents, tons of food stands, rides, and lots of drunk Bavarians. The first day we arrived it was pouring rain- but everyone was in such a happy mood since it was the very first day Okotberfest began. So we sucked it up, got soaked, and waited in the rain like true Bavarians to celebrate! The tents were a lot of fun--- you can see in the pictures below but its basically a huge tent filled with tables and bands—everyone in large groups of family and friends- drinking beer, singing, and happy and cheerful as ever. It was such a welcoming and fun environment to be in. So we drank our litre beers- (which lasted me a few hours and took 2 hands for me to hold) and danced and drank the night away. We were shocked by how many Italians were there too. We met a hilarious group of Italian men there for a bachelor party. It was so refreshing to be able to communicate with them since German is nearly impossible to comprehend. So I was glad to have met Italians, felt like a piece of home.  We did manage to squeeze in some sightseeing in the midst of partying and drinking. We went to see the beautiful English garden, the Olympic stadium and we even made it to the BMW headquarters where we saw all the nicest cars on display. We also managed to discover that the man who rented us our apartment, Teddy, was pretty famous. Turns out he was Michael Jackson’s assistant manager and good friend for 7 years. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!!  On that note we googled his name to confirm and snooped around his apartment for a while. Turns out google proved his title and we found some photos in his apartment of the legend himself. Knowing this information, Al (as resourceful as she is) decided to call him which worked out in our favor —he ended up inviting us to Munchen’s wealthiest hotel for a brunch and he gave us wristbands to get into the beer tents without having to wait. He was such a nice man!

All in all Oktoberfest was a lot of fun. The food—well…not my favorite aside from the delicious German sausage, but it’s definitely a MUST DO! It ended up being worth every raindrop, every penny, every hour lost of sleep, and every ounce of beer!

p.s. these photos aren’t as scenic and architectural as my previous ones, but funny nonetheless. They pretty much sum up my weekend as best as I could for you guys. Hope you get a good laugh! PROST! ( means cheers in german, thats about the only word I learned he he )
Lots and lots of love,
Got lost trying to find our apartment so we got a ride instead!


English Garden
Olmypic Stadium with the travelling crew
Shielding ourselves from the rain- our scarves come in handy
Traditional bavarian meal...Beer, Pretzels, and 1/2 a chicken 
Finally made it in our tent!
Even in Germany you find italians.. forza!!

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