Friday, September 21, 2012



Sorry it has taken me so long to blog this week.. just been trying to get into the routine of things now that school has started and 8 a.m classes are a reality. Luckily, I bought myself a nice tall thermos from starbucks so I can have a nice cup of red rose tea while listening to my professors mumble with their heavy accents.

Back to my travels….My weekend in Barcelona was great. We travelled with 2 other friends we met here which was a lot of fun. Definitely hard at times trying to satisfy all of us—whose hungry, whose feet hurt, who needs to pee (usually me), who doesn’t like walking—but we survived nonetheless. We arrived in Barcelona Saturday morning. We decided to spend Friday at the beach to relax. But the relaxation part didn’t really happen since every 5 seconds your hear (CERVESA, CERVESA), (MOJITO, MOJITO) from the men trying to sell it on the beach lol. That night we had our first Spanish paella and sangria.  By the time we finished it was 12 and we planned to go out but little did we know people in Barcelona don’t party until 1:30. Unfortunately, we were all so exhausted and didn’t make it to the 1:30 mark so instead we chose to snuggle in our beds instead of latina dancing. The next day, we decided to do the hop on hop off bus tour thanks to my Spanish tour guide and lovely friend jess who recommended it. (Thanks pooks, you saved my feet a lot of pain from walking the city)! We did a full day of touring and saw all the famous tourist attractions like the Sagrada di Famiglia, Park Guell, the Olympic stadium and lots more. That day I also had my first tapas experience EVER. It was muoy muoy bien. I took lots of pictures and posted some below since I know most of you are all food lovers. That night, we were determined to make it to 1:30 to go out and we did! YAY. Now I can officially say I’ve partied “Barcelona style”. Our last day in Barca we went to a famous market called   “La Boqueria Market” which had all fresh food stands and then we shopped around. To end off our night, we treated ourselves to dinner by the water—paella and a pitcher of white and red sangria. Perfect way to end our weekend! Overall, Barcelona was beautiful. The architecture, the tall buildings… everything is just WOW.  Next stop…. Munich’s very own Oktoberfest.  

p.s just wanted to say that I’ve hit the one month mark of my stay here!!! Yayyyyy… I’ve seen 3 countries, 8 cities and spent $$$$$ well….. I’ll leave that part out. Guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. Can’t wait for what the next 3 months has in store and to share it with you all!    

Lots of love,

Fun in the sun
    Catalunya National Muiseum of Art  
Showing off our guns in the Olympic Stadium  
Sagrada di Familia
Park Guell
 Partying like latinas  
La Boqueria Market.. CHEERS!
Perfect way to end the weekend... sangria, paella, and good friends !  

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