Thursday, September 13, 2012

La vie a Lyon!


Soo glad you are all following my blog. I’ve gotten so much positive feedback from I’m glad I decided to put one together for you all to enjoyJ  I’m missing you guys. Before I start blabbing about myself and my travels just wanted to give a small shout out to my sister… congratz on finishing writing V!! Finally you can resume back to your stress-free self. So proud of you…I know good things are coming your way! On that note, I’d also like to wish all my family attending Luca and Adelina’s engagement a great time. Sad I can’t be there to party with all my cugiiii since we know it’s next to impossible to get us all in a room but I’ll be thinking of you guys and sending all my love. CHEERS!  

Now back to blabbing about myself… everything in Lyon is fantastique! Starting to finally get into the routine of things. I don’t start school till Monday but I’ve had French classes this week every day for 2 hours. You will all be glad to know I have made my way to school and back BY MYSELF in one piece without getting lost!! (WOHOO!) My plan is to return home having a great sense of direction and understanding of public transportation. Fingers crossed ( he he ). Aside from school this week, I’ve spent a few days venturing out and exploring the beautiful city of Lyon since we haven’t been here much in between our travels. This past weekend, we visited Le Parc de la Tete D’or.. it was a beautiful park, filled with people bike riding, having picnics and just going for a stroll. We decided to rent the Velo-V bikes and bike around the entire park. We also strolled through the zoo in the parc and visited some lions and elephants. On the Saturday morning, we visited a bunch of markets nearby. We started off at the market near our place by the river to buy groceries. It was filled with delicious fruits and veggies, fresh flowers, cheese, baguettes... The pictures below will do a better job describing it. We then made our way to an outdoor market in Croix-Rousse where I made my first 15 euro vintage handbag purchase! Saturday night we planned to have our first girls night out in town. In Lyon, drinking is allowed pretty much at all times of day and in public places. So we bought a bottle of rose, headed down to the river and sat on the grass with all the other local lyonnaise people- drinking wine, sharing stories and giggling. Then we went to a bar/ club on a boat that was docked on the river. For those of you who think French party any classier than we do in Toronto, your mistaken. It was pretty much the same old sweaty packed club that were used to in Toronto… only cuter men and cheaper drinks ;) They even play all English music. It was hilarious watching French people mumble to the words of Drake!  Anyways, so far Lyon has been great to me. No complaints at all. I think my only complaint will be the extra pounds I put on from all these baguettes. But that can easily be fixed with a chicoria cleanse when I’m home! Anyways that’s all for now… looking forward to more stories ahead to share with you all. Next stop….. BARCELONA! 

All my love,

Strolling through Le Parc de la Tete D'or
La vie Lyonnaise est tres belle

4 on 4... perfect fit!!

Chef in training

Daily dose of fromage and saucisson

One word.... Mmmmmmmmm

Pre drinking by the river with the Lyonnaise crowd

Pop, lock and drop it


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